Regional Centre
National Afforestation &
Eco-Development Board
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India

Jadavpur University Kolkata

i. Two days Workshop to consolidate learning of States from implementation of National Afforestation Programme for the level of DFO and above from States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Sikkim and West Bengal
ii Two days State level interdepartmental Workshop on convergence of NAP and other Schemes for the JFMC and field level staff in the State of Bihar
iii.Tow days State level interdepartmental Workshop on convergence of NAP and other schemes for the JFMC and field level staff in the State of Jharkhand
iv.Two days State level interdepartmental Workshop on convergence of NAP and other schemes for the JFMC and field level staff in the State of Sikkim
v.Two days State level interdepartmental workshop on convergence of NAP and other schemes for the JFMC and field level staff in the State of West Bengal
vi.Regional level Workshop of Value Addition and SMFE development for front line staff and JFMC members.
i.Preparation of Micro plan and its implementation for forest field executives and JFMC members in the State of Jharkhand.
ii.Training of JFMC members for entrepreneurship development in the State of West Bengal
iii.Vocational training on NTFP based natural dye product to JFMC members in the State of Bihar
iv.Vocational training of Tassar Cultivation for alternate livelihood activities of JFMC members in the State of Jharkhand
v.Vocational training of JFMC members on processing and value addition of NTFPs in the State of Sikkim
Research Studies
i.Study of Forest Policies, strategies and Silviculture practices to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience of forest ecosystems to projected climate change in Andaman.
ii.Study on JFMCs for their improvement in functioning to take more responsibilities in forest conservation and enhancement in the State of West Bengal.
iii.Collection and consolidation of JFMC related data under NAP in Bihar, Jharkhand, Sikkim and West Bengal.
Monitoring and Evaluation
i. Monitoring and Evaluation in the State of Bihar with random sampling of 3 FDAs having forest cover > 5% of Geographical area and 1 FDAs having forest cover <5% of geographical area
ii.Monitoring and Evaluation in the State of West Bengal with random sampling of 3 FDAs having forest cover > 5% of geographical area and 1 FDAs having forest cover < 5% of geographical area.
Other activities:
(i) Documentation of success stories in the State of Jharkhand
Upcoming Events
Other Activities